As my acceptance, I have to tell you seven random things about myself...
1) I am currently infatuated by honeycrisp apples. They are delightfully crunchy and tart... perfect with some melted gouda.
2) I like to listen to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning.
3) I have been known to eat Lean Pocket Pepperoni Pizzas for breakfast on a regular basis.
4) I am insanely lazy. My idea of a perfect weekend day is never leaving the house or changing out of pajamas.
5) I find tweezing my eyebrows to be intensely satisfying!
6) I check my iPhone impulsively every 10 seconds. I feel lost without it, like I'm missing a limb.
7) I don't make my bed unless I have guests visiting who might see it. Eek!
I would like to now pass this award on to my friend JTal, whose blog The Extraordinarily Ordinary is a must-read for me every time she posts! I love her wit and sarcasm, her smart observations, and her love of kittehs. :)
JTal, to accept your award:
1.Post a link to the original award
2.Tell your readers seven random things about yourself
3.Award an undisclosed number of newly discovered blogs.
4.Send them a note or comment letting them know you nominated them so they can continue the cycle if they so choose
Thanks lady! That's so nice of you, I'm flattered. I'd like to thank the academy, my agent, Charlie, Pixel, Richard and baby Jesus.