Friday, September 30, 2011

A Blog Award :)

Awwww, someone sent me a blog award!  How sweet, thanks Kymlee!

As my acceptance, I have to tell you seven random things about myself...
1)  I am currently infatuated by honeycrisp apples.  They are delightfully crunchy and tart... perfect with some melted gouda.
2)  I like to listen to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning.
3)  I have been known to eat Lean Pocket Pepperoni Pizzas for breakfast on a regular basis.
4)  I am insanely lazy.  My idea of a perfect weekend day is never leaving the house or changing out of pajamas.
5)  I find tweezing my eyebrows to be intensely satisfying!
6)  I check my iPhone impulsively every 10 seconds.  I feel lost without it, like I'm missing a limb.
7)  I don't make my bed unless I have guests visiting who might see it.  Eek!

I would like to now pass this award on to my friend JTal, whose blog The Extraordinarily Ordinary is a must-read for me every time she posts!  I love her wit and sarcasm, her smart observations, and her love of kittehs.  :)

JTal, to accept your award:
1.Post a link to the original award
2.Tell your readers seven random things about yourself
3.Award an undisclosed number of newly discovered blogs.
4.Send them a note or comment letting them know you nominated them so they can continue the cycle if they so choose


1 comment:

  1. Thanks lady! That's so nice of you, I'm flattered. I'd like to thank the academy, my agent, Charlie, Pixel, Richard and baby Jesus.


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