Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gleek Peek: West Side Story Auditions!

So last night's Glee episode was... okay.  Of course, I love when someone AMAZING like Idina Menzel shows up (yay!) but really I didn't get a whole lot out of it.  The attention is back on Kurt, who wants to play the lead role of Tony in West Side Story... but no one thinks he is 'masculine' enough for the role.  To make matters worse, his boyfriend Blaine is perfect for the part (but doesn't want it because Kurt does) and everyone favors him.

I thought Kurt's acting chops were enough for him to be a great Tony in the musical; I was SHOCKED when Coach Beiste, Emma, and Artie laughed at his acting performance as Romeo.  I mean, isn't Glee about acceptance?  They were being mean and inconsiderate, which I didn't expect from them.

As for the Quinn storyline, her attempt to steal her baby back and regain custody is evil and mean.  I know she's been through a lot, and she is the original mean girl... but it just seems terrible.

Next week's episode looks INTENSE.  I wasn't so into this one, but next week looks to be amazing.

Song(s) I'll download later: "Somewhere"

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