I know all I've been writing about lately is TV. Just scrolling down my blog you'll see it! Sigh.
What's been going on in my life? Obviously a whole lot of nothing because I've been watching so much TV. Ha!
Lately, I feel like I've been living in Groundhog Day. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. My weekends have been my time to catch up on laundry, see friends (like helping LC with wedding invites, yay!), and grocery shop. I know, my trips to Sam's Club are SO exciting. You must miss me posting about it.
Fortunately, I have a reprieve from the monotony coming up... a few of my friends and I are running a charity 5K on Saturday, and I have a shopping trip planned with my pal VV for Sunday. It's the little things to look forward to that matter.
Also, BEST PART OF TODAY? I love Travel Channel, specifically Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain. I want to be their assistants just so I can go where they go. Anyways, I saw that Sam had done a clip with Tony and decided to talk about it on Twitter, and TODAY SAMANTHA BROWN TWEETED TO ME DIRECTLY. OMG. See image below. :)
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