Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Lately: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being

I'm back with the Blogger Tribe girls linking up on Sundays!

We got new wine glasses, from Crate & Barrel.  I ended up with getting the white and red Nattie glasses, even though I really wanted to be Olivia Pope and get these, the Nattie glasses are 1/3 of the price which is better for life with husband and kitties.  And they're beautiful, a definite upgrade.

It's Memorial Day weekend, so while I'm 100% in support of BBQs and fun and all, because that's what freedom in America gives us, I'm remembering my fallen friends (read this great article, 'Charlie Mike' on Memorial Day).  If you'd like to join me, I'd love if you would read about one of my friends (I've posted a few here) to honor their memory this weekend.

These were my classmates, my teammates, my dormmates, my friends.
1LT Sal Corma, the sweetest, dearest man
SPC Charles Caleb Sloan, with whom I served in Iraq

Took this photo near my 5th great grandfather's grave; he fought in the Revolution

More time at home.  And kitty snuggles.

This is how you watch TV

Ponte knit pants.  In black.  Best work pants ever, and I can't get enough.  They look fancy, but they're really like yoga pants for the office.

More present.  It's easy for me to spend the better part of the day on my phone or laptop, whether it's for work or play.  I'm a planner, and I like to be constantly doing something!  But I don't take enough time to smell the roses.  I've been watching Fresh Off the Boat, and I keep laughing because the mother on the show reminds me of my mother... and me, in her kind of crazy way of dealing with the world.  Maybe it's an Asian stereotype, but my perfectionism and drive to perform/succeed/be amazing keep me from connecting to things like... smelling the roses, appreciating my surroundings, thinking of people other than myself.

On my trip to Cincinnati this week, I tried to soak up the city instead of hiding away in my hotel room.  I took in this view, snapped a photo, then put down my phone and just enjoyed it.  I need to do that more.

Cincinnati, OH

In social circles...
  • On the Blog:  I recapped this year's Tennessee state conference for Daughters of the American Revolution, because DAR-ing is one of the things that I do!
  • On Twitter:  I retweeted this story of the tearful West Point graduate whose photo went viral.  It gave me all the feelz, even more so since it was the 9th anniversary of my own West Point graduation.  You just can't describe how that day changes your life and is the culmination of so much.
  • On Instagram:  I bought some carnations at the grocery stores and made this arrangement that I love... cheap grocery flowers are so underrated for what they can become at home!  Carnations too, totally underrated.
  • On Pinterest:  I used this pin/recipe from Scoop Adventures to make cookies & cream ice cream yesterday.  I'll let you know how it turned out, but SPOILER ALERT I used Mega-stuf Oreos because everyone knows frosting > cookie.

What are you up to this Sunday?

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe. We e-hang out every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the last week of life in our own worlds. 
Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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