Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Favorites, v.8

Okay y'all, I KNOW I owe some posts on my trip to Orlando (including Harry Potter, EPCOT, and the marathon!) but I'm catching up on work and homework this week.  So instead, here are my latest Friday Favorites on the internet this week.

Wait a minute, you know these people (and cats), right?  This is the portrait that Michelle of Creature Type did for us, and here is the post she did about it.

I love the "This Girl Can" campaign, because I'm a curvy girl who just did a freaking marathon, baby!  It was born out of research that showed the women do less fitness activity than men in the UK, and that one of the primary reasons they didn't was fear of being judged, including for how they looked.  Guess what?  You can do it, no matter your shape/size.

This library in France is too cool for school...

Three of the ladies of Downton Abbey play Cards Against Humanity.  YES.

I want this dining room set.

Kittens, moving their little heads to the tune of "Turn Down For What"

+  You can now ship your enemies glitter.  This is genius and evil and awesome at the same time!

+  Cute story about how a flower girl and ring bearer ended up getting married later on down the road.

+  Want to cry?  Watch this Navy sailor surprise his 7-year-old daughter with his return home.  Seriously, not safe for work because mascara.

+  Amy Poehler and Tina Fey's joke about George Clooney at the Golden Globes KILLED, calling out his wife's incredible resume and the fact that *he* was the one getting a lifetime achievement award that night.  I love irony!

+  Millennials don't care much about owning cars, and old people at car companies are scratching their heads about it.  Um, Uber much?

+  Flashback:  My very first half marathon, at Disney, the Princess Half!

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  1. I saw that video on the Today show this morning. "Sweat like a pig look like a fox." That's going to be my new slogan when I work out.

  2. I was so impressed by how many fellow curvy gals (and gals of ALL sizes) were in that full marathon at Disney. It reassured me that you can stay active at any size and be amazing (and not alone!), instead of worrying how you look doing it.


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