Thursday, July 30, 2015

Budgeting Bloggers: July 2015

I'd originally planned to only do Stitch Fix in July, but then I forgot to defer my Fabletics for the month and it just went out the window!  I also went to TJ Maxx one day on my lunch hour and found a few tops to add to my (shrinking) closet.  I am looking for more work tops to wear with my blazers and cardigans, as I've been turning my closet upside down and getting rid of TONS of things.

  1. Stitch Fix Papermoon Localli Mixed Material Top & Dear John Cuffed Shorts (originally $102, paid $27):  I covered this in my Stitch Fix recap, but I got a great shirt and shorts for $27, which I consider a steal because I had some credits thanks to readers and friends who signed up using my referral link!
  2. Fabletics Aruba Wrap Top II and Salar Legging ($60):  I forgot to defer my month of Fabletics, so I had to buy an outfit... it's the first time this has happened since I joined well over a year ago!  I decided I could use another pair of good black leggings, and the top felt like a good lounge-around-the-house top.
  3. Japna Mustard Blouse (tag price $58, $20 via TJ Maxx)
  4. Japna B&W Top (tag price $18, $13 via TJ Maxx)
  5. Calvin Klein B&W Top (tag price $39, $20 via TJ Maxx)

$140 spent - $112 sold = $28 total spent
$137 savings

Total 2015 Net Spending: Q1 $616 + Q2 $354 + July $28 = $998

The thing I'm most proud of for July is the bags and bags I've either donated or trashed from my closet.  I recently read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and while I think the author is certifiably a Looney Tune, it did inspire me to take a look at my closet and PURGE.  As is, I now have 40 empty hangers, tons more space, rearranging the closets and cabinets in my whole apartment, you name it.  The thing that I like is how she has you touch or hold every item and think, "Does this bring me joy?"  And while I don't necessarily hold a pair of socks and think that, I do think, "Why do I have those ancient, crappy socks in my drawer when I bought new ones a few months back?"  So much to Dan's annoyance, I've been tearing up the apartment reorganizing and purging and moving things around on him.

As for my clothes, I feel like that means I have better handle on what's actually in my closet.  I mailed off my rarely-worn business suits and dresses (minus a couple) to some college friends who could actually fit in them and use them.  I've already made one Goodwill run and I've got enough stuff for another.  It feels wacky, but really liberating.  When's the last time you did a major cleanup/closet purge?

Don't forget to visit the rest of Fran's Budgeting Bloggers at the linkup here.

In case you're interested in anything I'm selling in my Poshmark closet,
check out my widget for a peek!

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