I'm back and reviewing another set of products from a network/multi-level marketing company! (Tangent: This is actually one of my favorite things to do on my blog, and here's why: I DON'T SELL THINGS. I sell things in the retail world in my day job, but I have zero interest in spending my free time doing it. Period. Thinking about asking me again? NOPE. But I LOVE to shop, and trying these products is fun and gives me a chance to get the candid user experience over the hype.)
Today, I'm visiting the world of Rodan+Fields! I was a Proactiv user for a while (my skin hated me as a teenager/in college), and I've even dabbled in trying the R+F portfolio. (LOVE the purple Unblemish face wash, it rules. Seriously soft and wonderful and gentle.) The same doctors who created Proactiv are the driving force behind the R+F lines, and it's all tailored to your unique skincare needs.
From my perspective, they appear to be all about regimen, like Proactiv, so you have basic steps to follow Morning/Night as steps to your best face forward, with a subscription that means you'll never run out of the stuff. They were kind of ahead of the game in that regard, think of it as a luxury Amazon Subscribe & Save, but you're getting what you need for your skin on the regular for a discount/free shipping... but it's better, because it's formulated by doctors, not just stuff from the same place you buy paper goods or whatever.
I was able to test three products via the sample: the "Enhancements" Micro-Dermabrasion Paste, Redefine Night Renewing Serum, and Redefine Lip Renewing Serum. They came with great instructions too. My first thoughts, before trying? These would be GREAT for people like me who travel quite a bit. It's annoying to have to buy travel size and regular size products, so having little packets or capsules would be AWESOME to take along.
I was able to make the paste last for two morning applications, and I used the serums both at night in between those mornings. I will say this: it is really hard to see a major difference in less than 48 hours, using just a few products. So if you don't see a difference in the photos, I hear you. But since I look at my own face every day, here's how it felt, and what I saw. I had great turnover of dead skin on my face; my dry patches buffed away from the paste. I personally noticed differences (not just the lighting, naysayers) where you see the arrows in the photo below. I felt like some of the bumps and pits were minimized after the mini facial, and overall my skin felt more moisturized and refreshed.
No makeup selfies, blergh! |
I was shocked that the tiny serum capsules contained enough product to cover my face and lips. So tiny! Again, super convenient. I used the Night Serum without my usual moisturizer at bedtime, and my skin felt really soft the next morning.
For me, of the three products, the shining star was the Lip Serum. I used it at night as my friend recommended, and I woke up the next morning feeling very Angelina Jolie. It wasn't a plumper per se, but rather felt like my lips had soaked up a bunch of moisturizer in a GREAT way. (I'm a mouth breather at night, y'all, I wake up with chapped lips.) I noticed and felt a definite change there, so I know that this is one product you will be sure about from the get-go. Other products take a few days, to me, to really shine brightly, but this one was a no-brainer!
Overall, this mini facial was a real treat. I definitely recommend you try it! I can see why this stuff sells itself, and why so many people are excited about it. I know there are a ton of options within the R+F lines, so you have your pick of the best. The Unblemish worked really well for my late-20s hormonal acne, and the convenience can't be beat.
These products might seem pricy when you view the total, but if you actually do the math on what your daily regimen costs, you'll see you can't even get a cup of Starbucks coffee for that price. And I'd choose flawless skin over caffeine any day! ;)
If you're interested in Rodan+Fields skincare products, and finding the right regimen for your unique needs, reach out to my friend Conchita! (Here's a link to her R+F page, and a link to e-mail her.) I went to college with her hubby, and it's awesome to see a fellow Army Veteran doing what she loves. I really appreciated her thoughtful approach and individual attention. I love it when it feels like you're talking skincare over drinks with a girlfriend, vs. being "sold" things, you know?
Have you tried Rodan+Fields products?
What did you think?
Disclosure: I received this mini facial sample for free, no strings attached, from a friend who sells Rodan+Fields products. I promised to review the product, honestly, with all opinions as my own!
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