Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Lately: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving

I'm back!  I was out of town the past two weekends for the annual DAR Continental Congress, which I will definitely share with you in future posts.  Let's just sum it up that it was a hectic (but wonderful) week, and I'm sorry to have missed a couple of these great link-ups.  Shall we begin?

Anyone else feel like Bourbon?  LOL

I'm creating a very pretty Happy Planner!  After failed attempts at using the Erin Condren Life Planner, and the Midori, I finally realized that I needed something that worked with the Levenger/Arc system, because the rest of my world was on that system.  (Work, school, you-name-it).  But the Levenger planner, while a great size, was such a bore.  Even washi tapes and whatnot couldn't jazz it up nicely.  So when someone told me the Happy Planner uses the same modular system, I picked one up at my local Michael's.  I chose the Make Every Day Count design, as it felt very Kate Spade to me.  If it merits a post, I'll share more about it here later.  I'm seriously this.close to buying a Silhouette Cameo to make my own stickers and whatnot.  Kind of thinking it's a great way to spend my big Kindle settlement payout (woohoo to being an early adopter!) using Amazon credits.

Planner Priorities, right?  LOLZ

I'm finding space and time for me, which is a good thing.  I've been so busy with work, DAR, and school, and now just about everything but work is "out" for summer.  I have new DAR roles coming this fall, meaning a reprieve from the old, so I'm happily using this time for organizing and even catching a little TV.  I need to find the time to eat healthier and work out though...  I want to get a bit healthier.

When the photographer snags a pic
and you have a pink elastic key-holder on your arm

I'm switching gears.  Ever have those times of the year where you're like, "If I can just get through June, things will be smoother."  And you know there is always something else that will jump right back up into your time, but oh well.  It happens.  But in this case, July really does slow down for me, so I'm taking advantage!

The basics!  I hadn't cut my hair since the fall, and it had gotten so long my ponytail was well over a foot.  So I had a stylist chop off about 4-6" I think.  I've also been forgetting to do laundry, so this weekend I didn't leave the house AT ALL on Saturday, just trying to get my suitcase put away after a week on the floor and getting my hampers cleared out.

Cake from Whole Foods.  I'm not a sweet person (gimme all the fries!) but lately I'm craving a good vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream.

What are you up to this Sunday?

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe. We e-hang out every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the last week of life in our own worlds. 
Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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