Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Lately: Shopping, Releasing, Breaking, Cleaning, Sewing

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe
We e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our own words.

SHOPPING...  I am loving my #kimmieforever shirt and buttons, designed in memory of my friend Kimmie who passed away a few weeks ago.  They're based on a portrait by her local artist friends Crystal & Marc at Olivia Frankenstein.  I wore mine for work on Friday with a blazer, and I loved chatting with folks about the awesome design.

RELEASING... myself from hangups about the mirror.  I'm not the size I'd like to be, but I can still rock a mirror selfie, so you'll see a return of some of my #ootd Instagram posts I think!

BREAKING... I'm in need of a break!  LOL  We're going on vacation in a few weeks, so I'm kind of seeing that as the light at the end of my current tunnel.

CLEANING... laundry.  Laundry, laundry, laundry.  I've had two loads of clean stuff in a basket all week, and more to do... and a suitcase on the floor.  The weekends I'm home are usually spent blogging, doodling about, reading, and doing laundry.  And it's kind of nice not to leave the apartment at all sometimes!

SEWING...  nada!  A few weekends ago, I did a pile of mending, but I haven't really sewn in years.  I did buy a couple of books on brush lettering and botanical line drawing from Peggy Dean to stretch my creative muscles.  So there's that!

  • On the Blog:  Our trip to the National Cornbread Festival and touring the Lodge foundry.
  • On Twitter:  My husband had a genius idea on how politicians could be more transparent.
  • On Pinterest:  I have been thinking about building a house someday. And since I stay in a lot of hotel rooms, I keep thinking how master suites and guest rooms should be laid out more like hotels!
  • On Instagram:  I work in a pet-friendly office, so I loved this snap I took of Matilda the doxie mix, held by one of my work besties.
  • Shopping:  I want a denim jacket, but I haven't found one I love.  I have a white one from Liverpool Jeans, and it has this comfy stretch to it. I wonder if this one would be a good match for me.

How was your week?

Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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