Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Lately: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving

I'm back, two weeks after my first link-up on Sunday!  (I missed last week because Dan and I were driving across Ohio... literally.)  I joined a Facebook group for bloggers called Blogger Tribe, a small but awesome group that supports fellow bloggers.  The ladies who started Blogger Tribe also lead this link-up, so I thought I'd mention it here.  I check into the group almost daily!

Lately, I've been creating Excel and Powerpoint documents, for both school and work.  But what I want to create?  I want to catch up on my DAR Project Life scrapbook (it's up-to-date through October, and I probably need printer ink) as well as assemble our 2015 "yearbook".  Every year I create a hard-cover photo book (via Shutterfly or whoever has a deal) to recount our year in review.  I have separate books this year for Peru and our wedding.

If you're wondering how I do an annual book without feeling overwhelmed, as I upload photos to my computer, I pull and duplicate my favorite snaps from every set to a separate folder.  Then, when it's photo book time, I am choosing photos from a narrower selection.

I'm finding my center again.  I know I'm a big part of the organizations for which I volunteer.  I know I'm helping my family by working hard and collecting a paycheck.  ... but it's hard sometimes when you're feeling overwhelmed!  Sometimes we just have to find ourselves first, and I'm finding (okay, maybe seeking is the better word) my balance.  (Also, here's a photo of Bourbon helping me with the laundry.  Because this post needs to be cuter!)

I need to switch gears and be more active, especially 7 weeks out from the Disney Princess Half Marathon!  I'm running to partner with my friend Anna who's doing her first half, but in classic fashion I've basically forgotten that *I* need to run it too so yeah...  I guess my New Year's resolution is to follow through on commitments and get my act together.  And to get in better shape overall, because it's sooooo much harder once you hit 30, seriously.

I was just thinking yesterday how I forget what life was like without Dan.  We've only been married for five months, but we've been a part of each other's lives for years now.  It feels really good to be able to look at your partner and know your life is better because they're in it.  (We got engaged a year ago on New Year's Eve... time flies!)

I'm trying to eat healthier in the New Year, or at least less of the crap that I usually love to eat.  Lately, I'm really craving burgers and fries.  I think if I had to choose between French fries and sweets, I'd end up with fries every time.  Except when it's head-to-head with a really good cake with vanilla buttercream frosting.  Then it might be a challenging choice.  (Ugh, now I'm craving cake too.)  This is going to be tough.

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