Friday, May 23, 2014

Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga

The day after the craft beer festival, Dan and I went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga.  Dan loves aquariums and museums, so it was the perfect way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy Sunday.
The museum is split into river and ocean, in two separate buildings.  I really like that idea!  We were impressed by the variety of animals and fish in the exhibits.  Dan loved the reptiles and tons of turtles, especially the tortoise.
I was mesmerized by the sea horses and jellyfish.

We both agreed that with the easy navigation and smaller crowds, we preferred it to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.  It was smaller, but the up-close-and-personal habitats meant you could see way more.
It was also a very kid-friendly place.  I highly recommend you check it out while in Chattanooga!

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  1. That aquarium looks like a really fun place to visit! It's good to hear that it's not as crowded as some other aquariums can be, that's the worst part.

  2. I miss going to the TN aquarium so bad! We used to go all the time when we were little and would pass though on our way to Knoxville. It's always been such an amazing set up for an aquarium.

  3. It was way better than I expected. The price is a little steep, but not once you consider how long you spend inside. I also got a coupon from a local so the discount helped. :)


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