Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Lately: Completing, Visiting, Repeating, Writing, Scheduling

Happy Sunday!  Here's what I'm up to lately...

I posted my floral arrangement on Instagram a week ago... and it's still going strong!
Photo on right is a week after the left pic, the flowers just keep opening up.

Work has been a little hectic lately, as I accepted a new role while handing off my old role.  It's been about four weeks, so it feels like the new stuff is in full swing.  So I'm completing all of my old projects, and starting the new ones.  Not to mention I've been doing a little freelance writing/event planning on the side, since student loans kick in this month!

I'll be visiting D.C. starting this Saturday, so you probably won't hear from me next Sunday!  I'll be back at Continental Congress for DAR.  See last year's post for more about our annual D.C. convention!

The same "cocktail" over and over in this summer heat.  I just mix lemonade and chilled rosé wine, like a classy broad.  Cheers!

Blog posts!  Writing them ahead of time because I have that travel coming up soon, so I won't have as much time to post or write.  There's a lot of food posts, because those are the things I take photos of most, but that won't hurt any feeling, right?  Dan and I have been trying out restaurants in the Nashville are that we haven't before, making time for more dates.  Makes us happy all-around.

I went ahead and made dinner reservations, two months in advance, for our 1st wedding anniversary on August 1st!  It probably wasn't necessary to do it this early, but I didn't want to forget and make them too late to get in.  We're going back to Red Pony Restaurant, where we had our wedding meal with our friends and family, and I had a LOT of champagne.  I think I need to get some cupcakes from our wedding cake folks too, for dessert.

Throwback photo to our wedding

What are you up to this Sunday?

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe. We e-hang out every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the last week of life in our own worlds. 
Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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