This is a wishlist. This is a wishlist. This is a wishlist. Things I wantwantwant and am working to getgetget. :) Yes, I am repeating myself. But I am willing myself to save for things, instead of just buying impulsively. It's a wonder I haven't bought them already.
What do you want these days? Anything catch your eye?
Want. Camera. |
Nikon D3100
. I was looking at higher-end Nikons, but then realized that for what I want a DSLR for, this will do the trick. It's their entry-level model, but I'm an entry-level user. I just want those beautiful photos that I can't get out of my point-and-shoot cameras. This would make me happy. I'm scouring Craigslist to try to find a good deal; I wouldn't mind buying it slightly used to save money. But I
havetohavethiscamera by December for my Maui trip!
Want. Bag. |
Burton Wheelie Double Deck bag. My friend LC used this as a suitcase over the weekend. It belongs to her fiance, and is technically snowboarder gear, but I refer to it as the Mary Poppins carpetbag of luggage! You can just put more and more and more into this thing. I don't check luggage often, but this thing isn't rigid, fits a WHOLE lot of stuff, and would be great for travel in general. I fell in love when we were able to just continually stuff "one more thing" into the bag. I think I could live out of this thing for a month, which I can't say about my current luggage.
Want. Shoe. |
Nine West Smooch Wedge. I don't need more shoes, but I do love this one. It reminds me of the wedges Kate Middleton (excuse me, Duchess Catherine!) has been wearing lately. My favorite and most comfortable wedge sandals are from Nine West, and I would love these in either black or taupe. I am a perfect 6.5M in Nine West shoes, so I have many pairs from their stores!
(UPDATE: I bought the shoes! They went on sale for 40% off, and I found a 20% off coupon code... so they were only $38! Original price? $79... so that's $41 in savings, over 50% off!)
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