
Monday, October 7, 2013

Direct Luggage Review

I travel for work and fun, and having a good set of luggage is definitely something I feel strongly about!  While I'm rocking my Burton luggage and loving it, when I was asked by Direct Luggage to review their site offering, I definitely got excited to be "window shopping" online!  (For my UK readers, there's free shipping on all orders... I know there are a few of you!)

Lulu Guinness

Immediately, I was sucked in by the Lulu Guinness suitcase sets, especially since I purchased a great wristlet from the line they did at JCPenney.  I really loved the adorable moulded lips design looks awesome in bright pink.  The inside is just as adorable... awesome stripes!  It also has a split design like my Burton, which makes packing so much easier in terms of staying organized.  No digging!

Awesome stripes!

It's also important to look at lightweight suitcase sets, because the lighter your luggage the easier the trip.  If a suitcase is heavy while empty, it drive me absolutely nuts.  Why waste extra energy hauling that around?  I also wish my Burtons were spinner cases like the other ones I am seeing more of these days.

Samsonite Motio

I also noticed that they had some great deals on Samsonite... a well-known brand with a great reputation.  I haven't owned Samsonite before, but I know that "cheap Samsonite luggage" is usually an oxymoron; you can get a great deal on a set with Direct Luggage.

I was compensated for this featured post, but the opinions shared are solely my own and at my discretion.

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