
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I finally tried Zumba!  I want to get in better shape before my job interviews in April (look good, feel good!) and didn't want to wait until the New Year to get started.  Since fitness classes are super cheap near my work, I decided to start attended as often as I can after work, and my first night (last night!) was Zumba.

I have a few friends that are either Zumba instructors or take Zumba regularly, and they all love it.  I've done traditional aerobics classes before, and even a Jazzercise class with my Mom, but I was excited to try this one.  Zumba originated in Colombia and is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program.  It's the largest dance fitness program in the world!

Zumba was no joke.  I didn't pick up all the steps right away, but it was fun!  I definitely felt the burn.  It was more of a fast-paced dance class than an aerobics class, and I especially loved the Bollywood-style routine we did.  You get a better workout the more you 'shake it', so you end up really letting loose and enjoying yourself.  It reminds me of late nights at dance clubs, when you're burning tons of calories and sweating on the dance floor!

I should be able to attend class three times a week, but I think I might get a DVD or Wii game for days I want to do some at home.  As long as I have someone to follow, I do well exercising with my big screen!  If you're looking for something to inspire you to get fit, and you love dancing, Zumba may be just what you need.

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